Scale Your Video Business

17 Lessons from The Accelerator Mastermind with Charley Valher


4 times per year I get into a room with my accelerator clients and we spend 2 days masterminding.  You might be wondering what that is.

Today’s episode will be all about debriefing the recent mastermind event we did in Melbourne.

Since a lot of people are asking us what goes on at these events, we thought it would be cool to share with your what actually happens.

So if you haven’t had the chance to attend one but are curious then today is your lucky day as Charley and I will help you understand how you can take these lessons and apply them to your own business.

“The destination is not the goal. We’re setting an intention to head in a direction.” – Den Lennie

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

Connect with Charley Valher

Valher Media

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