Scale Your Video Business

Guarantee & Refund Policy

Our “Keep on Keeping On” Guarantee Policy for VBA Uplevel and VBA Elite Mastermind

Hey there, awesome learner! Welcome to our one-of-a-kind, no-magic-wand-included, roll-up-your-sleeves Guarantee Policy for VBA Uplevel and VBA Elite Mastermind,. Get ready for a blend of commitment, effort, and a dash of humor!

🌟 The Real Deal Guarantee: Here’s our promise – we guarantee that if you keep doing exactly what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting exactly what you’ve been getting. Sounds familiar? That’s the no-surprise part. If you’re looking for different results, it’s time to try something different (like, maybe, our program? Just saying).

📚 Effort is the Secret Sauce: Our program is pretty fantastic (if we do say so ourselves), but it’s not a magical potion. The secret ingredient? Your effort. We provide the materials, guidance, and virtual high-fives, but your success depends on your commitment, dedication, and willingness to apply what you learn.

🚀 No Couch Potatoes Allowed: If you’re looking for a program where success comes while you chill on the couch… well, this might not be it. We’re all about action, engagement, and maybe even a bit of sweat (the good kind, we promise!).

🤝 Partner in Progress: Think of us as your friendly neighbourhood guide. We’re here to support, encourage, and provide you with the resources you need. But remember, we’re partners in this journey. Your progress is in your hands (quite literally)!

🌈 Rainbows and Butterflies Not Included: While we can’t promise an effortless path lined with rainbows and butterflies, we do promise to make the journey insightful, engaging, and worth your while.

🔍 Read the Fine Print (It’s Fun, We Promise): By joining VBA Uplevel and VBA Elite Mastermind, you acknowledge that results vary and are based on individual effort and application. Our program is your gym membership for growing your video business in a holistic way; we provide the equipment, but you need to do the workouts!

So, are you ready to trade the same old for something new and exciting? Let’s make some waves together!

For laughs, questions, or a virtual pep talk, reach out to us at


Now, the serious stuff our Lawyers make us put in writing!

No Refunds Policy for VBA Uplevel and VBA Elite Mastermind

We are committed to ensuring the satisfaction and understanding of our customers regarding the financial policies associated with our program. Please read the following No Refunds Policy carefully:

For any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us at

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