Scale Your Video Business

How to Take a Break While Still Running Your Video Business.


In this episode, I want to tackle a common concern among videographers: taking time off and worrying about the state of your business while you’re away. Recently, one of my clients decided to take a month off to shoot in Europe, and we had an insightful discussion about how to prepare for such a break.

Join me as I share a clip from our VBA Elite Mastermind, where we support a member making a big decision in his business and planning for time off. We dive into the anxieties that arise, the challenges of managing a business remotely, and strategies to ensure a smooth operation in your absence.

As creatives, we often think that no one else can handle our clients and projects like we do. But in this episode, we explore the idea of transitioning your business into a self-sustaining entity, where you can step back and trust others to take the reins. We discuss the importance of systemizing workflows, delegating tasks to capable team members, and positioning yourself as an international business.

You’ll also hear practical advice and personal experiences from fellow videographers who have successfully taken extended breaks. We talk about maintaining consistent communication, even while away, and the positive effects of ongoing marketing efforts.

So if you’ve ever wondered how to navigate time off as a videographer or if you’re planning your first extended break, this episode is for you. Discover strategies to keep your business running smoothly, embrace curiosity, and enjoy a well-deserved vacation without worrying about the long-term impact.



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