Scale Your Video Business

Managing time better [For Videographers]


Hey there! Ever caught yourself neck-deep in tasks that you KNOW aren’t the best use of your time? 😅

Today, we’re diving deep into the game-changing concept of the ‘effective hourly rate’ and how you can leverage other people’s time to optimize your day-to-day operations. You’ll get a peek into a recent coaching call where we hashed out when to DIY and when to bring in an expert. 🚀

Plus, real talk on some common daily tasks (like house cleaning and even cooking!) and if they’re truly worth your valuable hours. 🕒

Get a notebook ready, because we’re also touching on the nitty-gritty of evaluating your past year’s business activities. Yep, it’s a reflection session, but don’t sweat – we’ll guide you through the tough bits. By the end, you’ll have a clearer sense of where your time goes, and how to ensure you’re always getting the bang for your buck!


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